Things to keep you entertained while social distancing

Here are a few things I’ve been watching, reading, listening to and playing while I ration my toilet paper and wash my hands for the tenth time today.

Everyone might be stuck at home trying to avoid coronavirus, but there’s no shortage of entertainment to occupy your time and take your mind off the current situation. Here are a few things I’ve been watching, reading, listening to and playing while I ration my toilet paper and wash my hands for the tenth time today. 

TV: The Outsider (HBO)
I purposely put off watching The Outsider when it debuted on HBO earlier this year because I knew I would want to binge the series down the road, so this period of social distancing proved to be the perfect opportunity to dive in. Adapted from the Stephen King book of the same name, this series grips you from episode one and then continues its slow burn with stellar performances from the cast and a mystery that will keep you intrigued, even if you predict the twists and turns in advance. I don’t want to give anything away because it’s more fun to unlock the mystery along with the characters, but there are some truly creepy moments that will definitely stick around in your mind, and I really can’t heap enough praise onto Cynthia Erevo and Ben Mendelsohn for the way they bring their characters to life. 

TV: Tiger King (Netflix)
Netflix is basically the god of streaming and this batshit docuseries is sent from guilty-pleasure heaven. Thoroughly entertaining from start to finish, Tiger King tells the story of the now-infamous Joe Exotic, who you might remember as the gay, gun-toting cowboy zoo owner who ran for president in 2016. If you thought that was the biggest headline about him, buckle up because this story has more betrayal, sinister plotting and limb loss than an entire season on Game of Thrones. As the memes have said, this series is a wholly unique viewing experience. While the reality of the situation is horribly grim, I can’t stress enough how captivating this show is! Every person interviewed is more bizarre than the one before and the way the story unfolds is beyond anything a screenwriter could concoct, though it is a little troubling how social media has turned Exotic into some kind of pop culture icon.

Comics: The Rise of Kylo Ren (Marvel)
There’s no question that Kylo Ren is my favorite character from the Disney Star Wars trilogy, and not just because of Adam Driver’s MVP performance. The character also had the most room to grow and transform throughout the series and by the end of The Rise of Skywalker, I wished we’d had more time to explore all that character development. Enter this 4-part comic series which takes place just before our boy Ben Solo fell to the dark side. I’ve never been much of a Star Wars comics person, but this story was short, interesting and helps the sequel trilogy feel a bit more fleshed out, especially after the not-so-stellar conclusion to the Skywalker saga we got last year. 

Podcasts: Do Go On (Planet Broadcasting)
If you’ve read some of my reviews, you probably know that I love The Weekly Planet podcast, which I’ve referenced several times. Do Go On is another fantastic pod on the Planet Broadcasting network, probably the best collection of hilarious podcasts you can find without having to pay some kind of premium to listen. This pod features Australian comedians Jess Perkins, Matt Stewart and Dave Warneke who each present a weekly report on an interesting topic. Hilarious and surprisingly informative, this trio can make any subject interesting and fun. All month, they’ll be doing live studio shows every weekend, so you can have the experience of attending one of their shows right from the comfort of your couch. If you get into it, be sure to checkout spinoff podcasts Prime Mates and Book Cheat

Games: Rayman Legends: Definitive Edition (Nintendo Switch)
The Switch has been the device du jour as people quarantine at home and there’s no shortage of really fun games to play. I’m far from a hardcore gamer and I’m usually more in the market for something I can play in short intervals throughout the day, so story-heavy games aren’t really my thing. Rayman Legends is kind of like those addictive mobile games, but without all the freemium content you usually find in the App Store. For one price, you get many hours of gameplay and you can always replay levels to try to get a higher score. The design is cool and stylized and the soundtrack is fun. Definitely don’t skip out on the music levels. It’s perfect for a brief little brain break between Zoom meetings or scrolling your social feeds.

Everything sucks in the real world, so immerse yourself a better one with Animal Crossing New Horizons on Nintendo Switch.

Games: Animal Crossing New Horizons (Nintendo Switch)
You probably have friends who are playing this game or you’re already playing it yourself, but just in case you haven’t dabbled in the calm, happy little world of Animal Crossing on Switch, it’s definitely worth checking out. From planting trees to fishing to conversing with local villagers to going into debt to your raccoon landlord, this game is one of the most welcome distractions you can experience during this bizarre time in the world. I’ve already developed my island, built a museum and befriended a goat who’s obsessed with working out, and I can’t wait to conclude every day with a little Animal Crossing to help me mellow out before bed. I know procuring a Switch is practically impossible right now, but this is a great one to play on the easier-to-find Switch Lite and take it with as you move about your house.

What have you been watching, reading, playing or listening to during this stressful time? Share your recommendations with me on Twitter @AlexisGentry because I’d love to check them out. 

I hope you all stay safe and healthy! Take care of yourselves and your families, wash your hands and stay home as much as you can right now. And a huge thank you to all the healthcare workers, grocery store employees, delivery drivers and other essential employees who are helping to make sure the world keeps turning during this crisis!