Author: Alexis Gentry

Clark Duke steals the show in Sex Drive 1

Clark Duke steals the show in Sex Drive

It would be easy to dismiss Sex Drive as your typical teen sex comedy. It’s got gross-out gags, tons of sex jokes and enough nudity to score an R rating. But there’s one very...

Heroes season 3 DVD an essential for fans 0

Heroes season 3 DVD an essential for fans

I admit, I was rather late to NBC’s hit superpower series Heroes. Despite being somewhat intrigued by the “save the cheerleader, save the world” promos that were everywhere a few years back, I hadn’t...

District 9 an alien original 1

District 9 an alien original

It’s no surprise that District 9 kicked off the weekend with a strong 100% “fresh” rating on RottenTomatoes. The hype has been off the charts! Nearly everyone I know has been talking about it...

Funny (real) People 3

Funny (real) People

Funny People is not exactly a comedy. It’s not really a drama or romance either. It’s a little combination of all those things and that’s what makes it feel so real. In a far...