Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
This years Film Festival was bigger than ever. Although it isn’t officially over, there are still tons of movies to see. Some of which have won an award at this year’s film festival. Throughout the rest of the week badge holders can still see some of the movies at any of the theaters showcasing them.…
It seems the entire internet has exploded with Golden Globe posts. Everywhere you turn, there are best-dressed lists, photos, behind-the-scenes gossip posts, and highlight lists. Not wanting to be left out, we bring you our top 5 Golden Globe moments. Read the rest at
For years now, I’ve been quite the DVD commentary enthusiast. It began with the drunken track on the Cannibal: The Musical DVD featuring intoxicatingly funny conversation from an intoxicated Trey Parker and Matt Stone. That track showed that commentaries can be genuinely “special” features… if filmmakers use them to their full potential. Read More |…
The ride is not often joyous, but it is intensely interesting and, at times, emotional. The documentary, made by film makers Chris Bagley and Kim Shively, tells a very personal story of an oversized man, who has faced oversized adversities in his life in Chicago. A diagnosed schizophrenic who creates a following on a near…
The 31st Starz Denver Film Festival is in full swing and, this year, I’ve had a very inside look at all the behind-the-scenes action. With my new job at the Denver Film Society, I’ve been able to watch this year’s fest grow from a tiny seed into a gigantic tree of cinematic enjoyment. Read More…
Zack and Miri seems to follow the recipe for a great comedy. It takes one part View Askew cynical humor, one part Seth Rogen, a sprinkle of familiar faces from the Judd Apatow universe, and a little bit of romantic comedy sweetness, all garnished with a dash of full-frontal Jason Mewes, to make something that…
Danny McBride is like the bacon on a cheeseburger. Without it, the burger is still good, but there’s just something even more delicious when you slap a couple pieces of bacon on top. Like the extra flavor from the bacon, McBride brings that extra level of funny to everything he touches. I first took notice…
The great “Movie Stoner Duo Hall of Fame” includes Cheech and Chong, Jay and Silent Bob, Harold and Kumar, and now Dale and Saul, the main characters in the ridiculously funny Pineapple Expresss. The brilliant team from Superbad is back with a brand new stoner comedy that is weird, outrageous and bizarre, all while being…
From Alexis’ blog: UPDATE: I loaded the iPhone pics from the most recent Film on the Rocks. This time I’ve got some great shots of Ukulele Loki and the Gadabout Orchestra and their cool goblin puppets. I’ve also included some shots of 1986 David Bowie from Labyrinth. Check it out in the Film on the…
While browsing Netflix today, I discovered that the poster/cover art for almost all Harrison Ford movies is pretty much the same. It’s a picture of Ford, usually in black and white but sometimes in color, furrowing his brow and looking kind of concerned. Then there’s some kind of red text or additional graphic element to…