Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
I mentioned to a friend of mine that I was going to see Life of Pi and she was adamant that I read the book before venturing off to see this film. Like most people I have found that the book is always better than the movie. Books always lend more scope, detail and feeling…
Back in the 1980s when the original Red Dawn was released, Americans were terrified of the communist Soviet Union. In the new Red Dawn remake, it’s communists from North Korea invading Spokane, Washington. Thankfully, a group of kids, lead by Chris Hemsworth, are there to defend their town and their country.
If you come home to discover your wife in the shower with another man, don’t beat the guy up until he’s inches from death. That’s what Pat (Bradley Cooper) does in Silver Linings Playbook and it results in him spending eight months in a mental institution.
Twi-hards everywhere are shedding a collective tear with the release of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2, the fifth and final film in the Twilight series, adapted from the massively best-selling young adult book series by Stephenie Meyer. The series, which began with a mousey teenager falling in love at first sight with a…
This Must Be The Place takes us into the life of a retired rock star, Cheyenne (Sean Penn), his wife Jane, (Frances McDormand), and their dog, living comfortably off his royalties in Dublin. Each day he feels the need to meticulously put his make up, nail polish, and rocker clothes on in order to exist…
Release it already!!!
As they say on The Colbert Report, “a tip of the hat” to Ben Affleck on both directing and staring in Argo, a riveting political thriller based on the true story of joint efforts between the U.S. and Canada to rescue six hostages from Iran. You have to commend any director who can take a…
Who would have thought a little Shih Tzu could be so much trouble? For the characters in Martin McDonagh‘s Seven Psychopaths, one little dog can lead to exploding cars, pissed off gangsters and even a shootout in the desert, all on the journey to curing writer’s block and finishing an awesomely titled screenplay.
Relive the 100 of the cheesiest movie lines of all time in just 10 minutes with this video.
Incredibly accurate Honest Trailer of ‘Transformers’