Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
If you had told me a year ago that I’d really enjoy the prequel to a 1968 Charlton Heston movie starring James Franco and a bunch of CGI chimpanzees, I would have seriously questioned your ability to predict the future. Fast forward to today and I would have asked you for the lottery numbers because…
In anticipation of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, we’re bringing back a throwback post from Comic Con 2011 when we sat down with John Boyega to discuss his film debut in Attack the Block, a funny and innovative sci-fi comedy from Joe Cornish.
We’re crazy psyched about our interview with Attack the Block director Joe Cornish and star John Boyega. The film is pure excellent and these guys have incredibly bright futures ahead of them in the world of film. Before you read our interview, check out these clips from the film (including character bios) so you can…
Dominic Cooper, star of The Devil’s Double, talked about the film with Yahoo! Here, he explains how he wanted to play the two roles very differently and how independent films are different from huge studio films. Our review of The Devil’s Double is coming soon to
If you read our blog post about Mike Judge’s Beavis & Butt-Head panel at Comic Con, you’ll recall us mentioning a special sneak peek at scenes from the new series. MTV has released a few clips and we have them right here. Check out Beavis becoming the Great Cornholio and the boys watching clips from…
UPDATE: Interview available now on Trashwire here: We got a chance to see a preview screening of Attack the Block, a new film produced by Edgar Wright, at Comic Con and it was rad. Because we’re crazy lucky, we also had the opportunity to sit down with director Joe Cornish and star John Boyega…
Yesterday’s press conference for Fright Night was a blur… literally. Colin Farrell was only there for about 3 minutes so a bunch of our pictures were blurry shots of him flying through the press line. Thankfully, a few came out and we have those here. Also, we have shots of Fright Night cast members Anton…
Mike Judge screened clips from the new season of Beavis & Butt-Head for super fans at Comic Con. Johnny Knoxville moderated the panel where Judge talked about creating the show, coming up with the voices and the future of Beavis and Butt-Head.
Yesterday, we saw the cast of Napoleon Dynamite signing at the FOX booth, listened to Mike Judge tell fans about the new series of Beavis and Butt-Head and learned Elijah Wood’s new nickname. Here are pictures from the fun that was Thursday at Comic Con.
Chances are, if you’ve ever had a job, you’ve hated your boss at one point or another. Sure, your boss might not have snorted coke in the office or made you drink scotch at 8am, but everybody’s had a boss they just couldn’t stand. In Horrible Bosses, Jason Bateman, Jason Sudeikis and Carlie Day plot…