Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
Rape, balls, and a small penis are used for comedic purposes in telling the story of security officer Ronnie (Seth Rogen) in the new movie, Observe and Report, which premiered on Monday at SXSW.
A definite and important decision that the people that run the SXSW Festival(s) was made for 2009. This year for the first time Film + Interactive was linked for specific panels and areas of the convention. This was absolutely a smart move on their part because film is not so different from Interactive because both…
Never go to a guy-date movie or eat dinner with another man, only lunch or after work drinks. This is the advice that Robbie (Andy Samberg) gives his brother Peter Klaven (Paul Rudd) in the new comedy I Love You, Man.
This years Film Festival was bigger than ever. Although it isn’t officially over, there are still tons of movies to see. Some of which have won an award at this year’s film festival. Throughout the rest of the week badge holders can still see some of the movies at any of the theaters showcasing them.…
Last year’s SXSW was simply an amazing inspiring pilgrimage to the hippie Mecca on the south side of America. On behalf of, I am able to go to the 2009 festival, and this time experience helps a lot. Not only was the 2008 festival filled with tons of great films I did not get…
From Variety Universal has attached Gore Verbinski to develop “Clue,” a live-action murder mystery based on the Hasbro board game that he would direct. […] “Clue” is one of the few board games to surpass $1 billion in sales, in more than 50 markets. It was developed in England by a retired legal clerk named…
I will be tweeting live from the AMC Best Picture Showcase tomorrow. The event includes all five Best Picture nominees as well as Oscar trivia and giveaways. Internet access might be a little spotty at the theater, so the best way to catch up on all my commentary about the films is to check out…
It seems the entire internet has exploded with Golden Globe posts. Everywhere you turn, there are best-dressed lists, photos, behind-the-scenes gossip posts, and highlight lists. Not wanting to be left out, we bring you our top 5 Golden Globe moments. Read the rest at
Trey Parker once sang, “Why does Michael Bay get to keep on making movies?” and after seeing The Happening on DVD, I’m beginning to think the same thing about M. Night Shyamalan. Once the brilliant young newcomer, Shyamalan’s talent seems to have completely dissipated, leaving only ego and self-importance. Like the Kanye West of cinema,…