Category: Music

  • Britney drama

       Several sources are reporting that Britney Spears is blaming Sarah Silverman for her horrible performance at the VMAs last night. One of my favorite sites, What Would Tyler Durden Do, had links to several articles that claim Spears was so upset about Sarah Silverman’s jokes that her children were mistakes that she decided to…

  • Gotye’s “Heart’s a Mess”

    This was one of my favorite shorts from Toofy Film Fest. This is a music video for Gotye’s song “Heart’s a Mess”. I love the style of the video and the song itself is beautiful.

  • Britney’s “comeback” can’t save boring VMAs

    Britney’s lackluster “comeback” was just a microcosm of the entire show: boring, predictable, and that special brand of annoying that MTV has perfected over the years. Read more|Digg it

  • Taking Back Sunday’s “12 Days of Christmas” (animated)

    Another great one I saw at the Toofy Film Fest. I love TBS and I’ve seen this online, but was super awesome to see in a theater.  

  • Gerard Way is married

    Most of you can just ignore this post, but for fangirls and MCRmy kids, this is big, breaking news. Gerard and Lyn-Z got married IN DENVER! on September 4th. Here’s proof: Imagine learning that something like this happened backstage at a concert you were at?! Wow! Now I’m really regretting the fact that I didn’t…

  • Flight of the Conchords and HBO agree to second season

    I found this recently on The Flight of the Conchords and HBO have agreed to a second season of their Sunday night comedy television show, starring New Zealand folk duo Bret McKenzie and Jemaine Clement. The current season has three episodes left, and looks set to have special guest appearances by Todd Barry and…

  • Trapped in the Closet chapters 15-19

    In chapter 15, Twan and Sylvester confront Roxanne and Tina and we learn that the reason Twan went to jail involved the two women. During the confrontation, R. Kelly softly sings lyrics like “Who you calling a ho?” and “Motherfucker I’ll kill your ass!” as Roxanne screams at Twan. In the words of Larry David,…

  • “Trapped in the Closet” returns

    “Trapped in the Closet” returns

    R. Kelly is back with more episodes of Trapped in the Closet, airing right now on For those who don’t know, Trapped in the Closet has become a musical sensation and made R. Kelly even more infamous than those sex tapes he made with underage girls. Billed as a “Hip-Hopera”, Trapped is the story…

  • Trapped in the Closet returns!!!

    It’s baaaaaack! R.Kelly is back with MORE chapters of Trapped in the Closet on I posted a blog a while ago (The Whitest Kids and R. Kelly head to IFC) about the web series, and now it’s finally here. Check it out at This time around, R. Kelly is pulling an Eddie Murphy…

  • Flight of the Conchords Episode 4

    I can’t get enough of this show. Here’s the fourth episode for your enjoyment. Flight of the Conchords Episode 4 Add to My Profile | More Videos
