Category: Pop Culture

  • The great VMA debacle

    Watching the VMAs last night was, in a word, torture. The only saving grace was Russell Brand, who managed to actually be entertaining during the ignominious joke of a ceremony we were all watching. Read Pat Sue Gentry’s write-up about the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards here, or on the Trashwire Blog.

  • The VMA debacle

    Trashwire’s own Pat Sue Gentry shares her thoughts on the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards… Watching the VMAs last night was, in a word, torture.  The only saving grace was Russell Brand, who managed to actually be entertaining during the ignominious joke of a ceremony we were all watching. At times it was more like…

  • Film on the Rocks – Labyrinth with Ukulele Loki and the Gadabout Orchestra

    From Alexis’ blog: UPDATE: I loaded the iPhone pics from the most recent Film on the Rocks. This time I’ve got some great shots of Ukulele Loki and the Gadabout Orchestra and their cool goblin puppets. I’ve also included some shots of 1986 David Bowie from Labyrinth. Check it out in the Film on the…

  • Joe Rogan proves he’s a pro at Comedy Works in Denver

    You may think Joe Rogan is a crass, misogynist, loud-mouth. You may think his act is all dick jokes or something along the lines of a revamped Andrew Dice Clay. After seeing Rogan perform at the Comedy Works in Denver last night, I can assure you that, if you do assume all those things, you’re…

  • Joe Rogan proves he’s a pro at Comedy Works in Denver

    Joe Rogan proves he’s a pro at Comedy Works in Denver

    You may think Joe Rogan is a crass, misogynist, loud-mouth. You may think his act is all dick jokes or something along the lines of a revamped Andrew Dice Clay. After seeing Rogan perform at the Comedy Works in Denver last night, I can assure you that, if you do assume all those things, you’re…

  • Worst song lyrics ever

    While browsing the web today, I came across a list of the “Top 10 Worst Song Lyrics Ever” from UK site HolyMoly. I completely agree with some of these, but how could Lil’ Mama’s “Lip Gloss” have escaped the list?! 1. I’m serious as cancer, when I say rhythm is a dancer – Rhythm Is…

  • Bigger, Stronger, Faster: a documentary on steroids

    You could say Chris Bell’s Bigger, Stronger, Faster is like a documentary on steroids. Not only is it full of information, but performance enhancements are the subject matter… read more | digg story

  • John Mayer is Antonio Sabato Jr.’s weak twin

    From I actually sat down a watched an episode of Celebrity Circus last night and noticed that contestant and former male supermodel Antonio Sabato Jr. looks a lot like a certain guitar weilding pop dude. Yes, with his new haircut and model-ish poses, John Mayer is really starting to resemble Sabato.

  • Argento’s ‘The Mother of Tears’ : blood, guts & entertainment

    Italian filmmaker Dario Argento is hailed by film geeks as a pioneer of bloody horror movies. While my fellow film nerds have given him a cult following, his newest film, The Mother of Tears, should appeal to all audiences who love gallons of fake blood and guts. read more | digg story

  • New article on Trashwire – Sex and the City stays fabulous

    Diana Glaizer is absolutely obsessed with fashion! As Trashwire’s newest guest contributor, she will be keeping you informed of all the latest and greatest trends from the fashion universe. Read Diana’s latest contribution about the fashion in the new Sex and the City movie. read more | digg story
