Category: Pop Culture

  • The return of… Laser Cats

    Here’s the latest edition in the growing saga known as Laser Cats, one of my favorite SNL Digital Shorts. Laser Cats 3 Bonus video: Andy Samberg as the pregnant man on Weekend Update.

  • TRASHWIRE.COM » Hulu, the premium YouTube

    These days, there are hundreds of ways to watch videos online and sometimes it can be hard to weed out the crap from the good stuff. Sites like YouTube are polluted with poor quality videos or catch-them-while-they-last clips from your favorite TV shows. That’s where comes in. read more | digg story

  • Johnny Sokko and His Flying Robot

  • Hulu could be awesome

    By now I’m guessing a lot of you have heard about Hulu, the new video site which features network TV and full length movies. I posted a clip on here from Saturday Night Live with Jonah Hill that was up on Hulu. The site provides higher quality video and legit content (no user-created stuff) including…

  • AV Club Interview – Trey Parker & Matt Stone

    The creators of South Park discuss future projects and the making of South Park. Definitely a good read for any fan of the series. read more | digg story

  • SXSW Review: 21

    A special screening of the new film 21 took place at the Paramount Theater in Austin, TX as part of the SXSW Film Festival. The film is about a group of MIT students who travel to Las Vegas on weekends to count cards and win big. After the screening, members of the cast and crew…

  • I’m dating your dad

    If you didn’t see SNL this past weekend, you missed a great Digital Short starring Jonah Hill. I’m not gonna say anything more about it, just check it out.

  • The dancing prisoners are back

    You might remember the Filipino prisoners who danced to Thriller a while ago, well they’re back with a new performance. Watch them do a little Soulja Boy and then break into some MC Hammer:

  • Trashwire’s Wil Chinchilla to cover SXSW 2008

    An astounding nine regional movie premieres will be taking place at this year’s South by Southwest (SXSW) film festival in Austin, TX. All of these premieres are early screenings of new mainstream movies that will serve as a testing ground for how the films will be marketed and distributed to the rest of America. The…

  • Saaphyri’s Lip Chap

    Remember Saaphyri from Flavor of Love and Flavor of Love Girls: Charm School? She was the one who punched a girl in the face during the bed claiming in the first five minutes in the house and then offered her some “lip chap” after the beating. Well now she has her own brand of “lip…
