Category: Pop Culture

  • David Arquette is kind of a dick

    India’s Zee News Reported this today… Washington, Jan 13: American actor, David Arquette has held Angelina Jolie responsible for tearing down Jennifer Aniston’s marriage to Brad Pitt. Arquette, who is married to Aniston’s close pal Courtney Cox, is convinced that the former couple’s marriage would have lasted, had Pitt would not met Jolie “Finding out…

  • LaToya’s got a gun!

    LaToya’s got a gun!

    Ok, you know how I said The Surreal Life Fame Games was the greatest celebreality show on TV? Well that was before I saw the premiere episode of Armed and Famous on CBS. The race for the most outrageous celebrity reality challenge is heating up with this new contender.

  • D-List Olympics

    Every now and then, a show comes along that is so spectacularly horrifying that it becomes an instant trash tv classic. The Surreal Life Fame Games is that show. The first competition involved our favorite has-beens going head to head with each other in a battle over fan adoration. They were lined up in front…

  • Vintage Trashwire – ‘Flavor of Love’ or flavor of vomit

    Flavor of Love 2 debuted tonight on VH1 and I can safely say it was as bad as the Holocaust. First off, the girls look less like soap stars than they did last year and more like the kind of hookers that work at truck stops… in the daytime. If you put them all together…
