Category: Internet

From the Szechuan sauce debacle to Star Wars: The Last Jedi rage, so-called fans are destroying the communities they claim to love. 0

Fans are why we can’t have nice things

This year, we saw some pretty crappy “fan” behavior, from Rick and Morty fans storming McDonald’s for dipping sauce to Star Wars fans claiming The Last Jedi ruined their childhoods. Was it always like this, or were fans of 2017 just way, way too passionate about pop culture?

Rami Malek as Elliot Alderson, Christian Slater as Mr. Robot -- (Photo by: Peter Kramer/USA Network) 0

‘Mr. Robot’ has really grown on me

Mr. Robot is one of those shows that everybody’s talking about. It’s being praised by practically every TV critic in the land, has amassed a huge legion of fans, and seems to have tapped into both our love of technology and our paranoia about the huge corporations who run that technology. Everybody seems to love this show, so why did it take me so long to get into it?

Kit Harington as Jon Snow on HBO's Game of Thrones 0

Everybody needs to stop complaining about Jon Snow spoilers

If you’ve been on Twitter and Facebook for even a couple weeks, you know that people post about movies and TV shows, and those posts sometimes include spoilers. If you truly believe that knowing what happens on a show will destroy your entire life, perhaps it’s best for you to avoid social media (and probably society in general) until you’ve seen the episode. And yes, this post contains spoilers for Game of Thrones season 6.