Category: Thoughts & Opinions Blog

  • Things to keep you entertained while social distancing

    Things to keep you entertained while social distancing

    Here are a few things I’ve been watching, reading, listening to and playing while I ration my toilet paper and wash my hands for the tenth time today.

  • How Game of Thrones’ Penultimate Episode Could Have Been Fixed

    How Game of Thrones’ Penultimate Episode Could Have Been Fixed

    SPOILER ALERT! The final season of HBO’s epic series Game of Thrones is proving to be the show’s most controversial—but it’s not because of brutal content; it’s because many fans are disappointed in the rushed storylines and unresolved character arcs. With that in mind, here are a few things that could improve the penultimate episode,…

  • Danny Boyle explains what ‘family friendly’ has done to cinema.

    Does he have a valid point here?

  • Labyrinth turns 25

    Labyrinth turns 25

    When I was a kid, one of my favorite movies was Labyrinth, starring David Bowie. The combination of Bowie and Jim Henson basically blew my mind. This week, Labyrinth turned 25 years old. Clearly, it didn’t just have an impact on me…

  • A slice of TRON: Legacy

    As most of you know, I wasn’t a huge fan of TRON: Legacy. One of the reasons was that it felt like a Matrix rip off instead of something that evolved from the visually rad original TRON. In addition, I felt like the characters and the plot were secondary to the effects. It had your…

  • A blunder of first date rules

    You might remember Diana Glazier from her awesome ‘Sex and the City Movie’ review a while back. Well she’s back again and this time she’s laying down the law for guys on first dates. In my recent string of first dates, I have discovered that the chivalrous act of the guy paying on the first…

  • Trashwire updates and such

    It’s been a while since I last posted anything on this blog and I decided it was high time to update. Since we last spoke, I moved Trashwire to a new web host. As many of you (and our Twitter followers) know, I’d been more than a little displeased with the annoying downtimes of our…

  • Pineapple Express sequel? posted this today … Rogen indulged the possibility of a “Pineapple Express” sequel. “Of all the movies we’ve done, that’s the only one that I would actually like to do a sequel to and we talk about it,” Rogen told us…. As someone who LOVED that film and is a huge fan of Rogen,…

  • Facebook on the rise as MySpace shrinks

    While browsing twitter today, I came across a link for this article about Myspace losing it’s grip as the dominant social media outlet. One particluar statement that caught my eye was, “MySpace suffered a drop in visitor traffic last month and is now less than half the size of its younger rival, Facebook.” Read the…

  • Tweetarded

    Last time we read Megan McCain and Tila have an engaging conversation. Today we found a bf (Bitch-fit from White Chicks) between Lady Sovereign and Perez Hilton. Lady Sovereign totally bailed on Perez’s party in Austin. Her excuse, which he publicized on his blog, was that she had partied to hard. In the words of…
