Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
If you needed more proof that Twitter is awesome, just take a look at what DListed (via had to say about John Mayer and Jennifer Aniston: Star Magazine thinks they know the real reason why the fartytale romance of this generation was flushed down the toilet. The reason is TWITTER! Jennifer Aniston was apparently completely over John…
Occasionally, it dawns on me that a lot of people I know aren’t on Twitter and haven’t seen my frequent (and some might say incessant) updates from the last week. As a result, I’m writing this blog as a continuation of my first “Basketball Diaries” post–which has nothing to do with Jim Carroll,Leonardo DiCaprio, or heroin–to detail the action, intrigue…
Due to twessages coming in from every direction I will do my best to find the most tweetarded conversations taking place in the celebrity tweets. Welcome to the most Tweetarded convo ever between Tila Tequila and Megan McCain? Ummm I thought your dad hated the gays, bisexuals, and transgendered people of the world. How would…
This is Wil Chinchilla from and I’m here at SXSW Film + Interactive covering everything that is going on in both festivals. I was at the after party for the new gamer movie 2 Bobs that is going to show again tomorrow. As I was talking to people from promotion I saw a screen…
On the heels of the post about board games becoming blockbusters, I want to acknowledge this absolute blasphemy. This has been posted all over the internet, but here’s the story from Ain’t It Cool: HitFix and Entertainment Weekly are reporting that Fox Searchlight will finance Bill Condon’s $25 million biopic RICHARD PRYOR: IS IT SOMETHING…
From Variety Universal has attached Gore Verbinski to develop “Clue,” a live-action murder mystery based on the Hasbro board game that he would direct. […] “Clue” is one of the few board games to surpass $1 billion in sales, in more than 50 markets. It was developed in England by a retired legal clerk named…
I have been a fan of the Whitest Kids U’Know since back in the day when the series was on Fuse. Trashwire even featured a piece about the evolution of tv sketch comedy focusing on WKUK as well as other sketch shows like Human Giant and the short-lived Acceptable TV. Last Monday, I capped off…
One big hole in Trashwire has always been the absence of a sports section. As the primary writer for the site, I’m usually too busy writing about which silicone bimbo got the boot from Rock of Love to pay much attention to the wide world of sports, but lately a few sporting events have started…
It seems the entire internet has exploded with Golden Globe posts. Everywhere you turn, there are best-dressed lists, photos, behind-the-scenes gossip posts, and highlight lists. Not wanting to be left out, we bring you our top 5 Golden Globe moments. Read the rest at
For years now, I’ve been quite the DVD commentary enthusiast. It began with the drunken track on the Cannibal: The Musical DVD featuring intoxicatingly funny conversation from an intoxicated Trey Parker and Matt Stone. That track showed that commentaries can be genuinely “special” features… if filmmakers use them to their full potential. Read More |…