Category: Guest Articles

The great VMA debacle 5

The great VMA debacle

Watching the VMAs last night was, in a word, torture. The only saving grace was Russell Brand, who managed to actually be entertaining during the ignominious joke of a ceremony we were all watching. Read Pat Sue Gentry’s write-up about the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards here, or on the Trashwire Blog.


Sex and the City stays fabulous

Diana Glaizer is absolutely obsessed with fashion! As Trashwire’s newest guest contributor, she will be keeping you informed of all the latest and greatest trends from the fashion universe. Read Diana’s latest contribution about the fashion in the new Sex and the City movie.


The Oscars: Why Do I Care?

Trashwire contributor Erin Florence Dean brings us her thoughts on the Academy Awards.

Whenever anyone mentions the Oscars and their sponsoring organization, The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), there are two questions that run through my ever-questioning mind: What is The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, and why should I use their opinions to evaluate the quality of a film?

Guest Review: Control 0

Guest Review: Control

Anton Corbijn’s Control, the biographical cinematic journey of Joy Division’s Ian Curtis, takes story telling and filming making to a new level. From scene to scene, “Control” is framed in such a way that individual shots are piece of art. Corbijn’s background as a professional photographer and use of symmetry, as well as, an eye for detail set a new standard for black and white films.

Can Wii lose weight? 2

Can Wii lose weight?

The annual Electronics Entertainment Expo (E3) took place this past July showcasing all of the major companies in gaming like Sony, Microsoft and, of course, one of the few gaming oriented companies that has remained successful in strictly virtual entertainment, Nintendo. Nintendo unveiled a new Wii Health Pack at E3 that is to be incorporated with the latest the Nintendo Wii.