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Enjoy this clip from our favorite YouTube star:
I trust that everyone’s seen those Dane Cook commercials that all the major networks were running for the World Series. Last week SNL did a parody of them. Jason Sudeikis’ impression of Dane Cook was crazy spot on, so I thought I’d share.
South Park’s Animation Director, Eric Stough, spoke at the University of Colorado Boulder about the animation process and the history of the beloved animated show. Read more | Digg it
Eric Stough is not Trey Parker’s little brother, though many people believe he is because he looks and behaves like the sweeter, younger version of the South Park co-creator. In fact, Stough, the inspiration for the Butters character, has been close friends with Parker since middle school and is, in many ways, the fifth Beatle…
Kathy Griffin became my hero at the Emmys when she gave her acceptance speech. Check this out!
Most of you know by now, but Kanye west had a little hissy fit at the VMAs after he lost all his awards. Now there’s video. Check it out. Wow, now that’s classy. Kanye is a real America hero. He’s easily one of the most arrogant human beings in the known universe, and a…
When she’s not pulling a Mel Gibson and blaming the Jews (Sarah Silverman) for her shitty performance, Britney Spears makes up lots of other excuses for why she sucked so hard. First, it was that Silverman’s jokes were harsh and she was pissed about it, so she chose to do a really bad performance in…
Her performance had been hyped up for months before hand and was discussed practically nonstop on the VMA pre-show. With all the buzz that went into it, I was expecting her to do an elaborate 10 minute showcase, proving to everyone that she still had a career. Instead, I watched in horror as a chunky…
Several sources are reporting that Britney Spears is blaming Sarah Silverman for her horrible performance at the VMAs last night. One of my favorite sites, What Would Tyler Durden Do, had links to several articles that claim Spears was so upset about Sarah Silverman’s jokes that her children were mistakes that she decided to…
Britney’s lackluster “comeback” was just a microcosm of the entire show: boring, predictable, and that special brand of annoying that MTV has perfected over the years. Read more|Digg it