Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
Hooray, it looks like many journalists have also decided they’ve had enough of Paris Hilton! Check out this clip:
In this clip, the report goes crazy when some guy keeps interrupting her introduction. Here’s a whole bunch of bloopers
If you didn’t catch the premiere episode of Flight of the Conchords Sunday night after Entourage on HBO, you’re missing out on some seriously funny stuff. The show is about The Flight of the Conchords, a two man folk/pop/comedy band composed of New Zealanders Bret McKenzie and Jemaine Clement as they try to find romance…
At last! Someone found a video clip of the infamous “butt-naked ho” scene from I Love New York! Thanks to Ryan who posted a link in his comment on the original post about the “butt-naked ho” incident. Finally, we can bring you this: I Love New York: "Butt Naked Ho"Uploaded by callmecarl
Here is a recent quote from The Springer Hustle, a new VH1 show that goes behind the scenes of The Jerry Springer Show. I can’t even watch the show because it’s just too horridly awful, but here’s a quote. A Springer producer recently said this when booking guests for an episode: “They’re fat and they’re…
Watch this: Then check this out: I just saw it in the Whitest Kids’ myspace pics.
Sketch comedy shows seem to be getting a television revival these days. New shows have been popping up on MTV, VH1 and Fuse and even major broadcasters as networks look to the internet to make a connection with younger viewers who are bored of SNL and turn to sources like YouTube, FunnyOrDie, or for…