Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
I had to absolutely blog about celebrity jeopardy. Not only was it made iconic by Saturday Night Live and Will Ferrell, but it can be very entertaining. (Props to irishred1784) The players for today’s episode are James Denton who plays the plumber from Desperate Housewives, Neil Patrick Harris-NPH! From Harold and Kumar fame and his…
I just thought any Team America fans out there might like to see the old tv show that inspired the visual style of the film. This is a classic show and a cult favorite. Watch entire episodes of Thunderbirds here for free.
Submitted for the approval of the Midnight Society… Are You Afraid of the Dark 1×01Uploaded by digitalchaos×01
New article by Wil up now on Transformers is actually less than meets they eye by Wil Chinchilla July 20, 2007 Those of you who were fans of the animated series could end up just as disappointed as I was by Michael Bay’s live-action version of Transformers. It wasn’t necessarily a bad film but…
Genius does not cease to end but everyone–especially me–is starting to get worried about Dave Chappelle. This past weekend on Saturday the 21st it is reported from various witnesses that he went into Detoxification at a local county Hospital in Washington D.C.. No one knows for sure, but I hope everything goes great with Dave.…
Timmy Williams from The Whitest Kids U Know had a link to this article posted on his blog today. It seems that the WKUK will be moving to IFC for their upcoming second season. But that’s not all… IFC is also going to be working with R. Kelly to develop “Trapped in the Closet” as…
On tonight’s episode of Hey Paula, things went from bad to worse in a big way. Paula received the Woman of the Year award from the Nevada Ballet Theater. But first, she had to do some press. On the heels of her disastrous morning show satellite tour, she walked the red carpet and spoke to…
Years ago, CBS debuted a new reality series called Big Brother. Back then, the cast was older, the show was more interactive, high-speed internet access was rare, and the live-feeds were tiny, grainy images of a chicken coop for most of the day. Since then, the show has evolved into my favorite summer guilty pleasure…
Trashwire will be covering CBS’ Big Brother 8 all summer on our Big Brother 8 Blog, a special section of the site dedicated to the ultimate summer guilty pleasure. You can check out the new section at Here is a description of the new section: Years ago, CBS debuted a new reality series called…
This is actually from a few months ago when Steve Jobs announced the iPhone. It seems even more fitting now that every Apple store appears to be filled with people who just want to bask in the glory of the iPhone.