Category: Reality TV

  • Entertainment Weekly lists 20 Most Appalling TV Shows Ever

    I just had to jump on this one! has published a list of the 20 worst TV shows of all time, including photos. Making the list were some of Trashwire’s favorite trashy reality shows including Britney Spears’ home-made series Chaotic, the Paula Abdul mood-swing-a-thon Hey Paula!, trash classic The Anna Nicole Smith Show, the…

  • D-listers unite for ‘The Celebrity Apprentice’ on NBC

    The Celebrity Apprentice made its debut last night on NBC. The cast included some famous faces as well as individuals who could barely be called “celebrities”. In the first challenge, the teams ran hot dog carts in New York and tried to raise money for charity. *Review contains spoilers* read more | digg story

  • Big Brother resurrected by WGA strike?

    Variety reported that CBS could bring back everyone’s favorite summer guilty pleasure a little earlier than expected. It seems that with the writers’ strike, CBS is going to be turning to its reality shows to generate some new programming. BB could return as soon as February and could even be a special Celebrity Big Brother…

  • “She’ll never be part of The Coreys”

    ‘The Two Coreys’ is a new “reality” show on A&E that stars former 80s stars Corey Feldman and Corey Haim. The show could have been a fantastic celebreality guilty pleasure, were it not so hopelessly contrived. Every episode is less like a reality show and more like a poorly written sitcom, minus the laugh track.…

  • ‘Hey Paula’ just keeps getting worse

    On tonight’s episode of Hey Paula, things went from bad to worse in a big way. Paula received the Woman of the Year award from the Nevada Ballet Theater. But first, she had to do some press. On the heels of her disastrous morning show satellite tour, she walked the red carpet and spoke to…

  • Big Brother 8

    Trashwire will be covering CBS’ Big Brother 8 all summer on our Big Brother 8 Blog, a special section of the site dedicated to the ultimate summer guilty pleasure. You can check out the new section at Here is a description of the new section: Years ago, CBS debuted a new reality series called…

  • “Butt-naked ho!”

    At last! Someone found a video clip of the infamous “butt-naked ho” scene from I Love New York! Thanks to Ryan who posted a link in his comment on the original post about the “butt-naked ho” incident. Finally, we can bring you this: I Love New York: "Butt Naked Ho"Uploaded by callmecarl

  • Sanjaya article in the Denver Post

    If you have home delivery, check it out on page 10D for Denver and 5E for Glendale and South Denver. If you don’t have home delivery, view it here on or on with bonus pictures.

  • Media Big-Shots Go Crazy for Sanjaya

    What could make a crowd of distinguished journalists lose their minds like a gaggle of teenage girls? Trashwire found out at this years White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner in DC. Read it HERE on

  • Great TV Night!

    Just a reminder that the finale of I Love New York and the premiere of Mo’Nique’s Charm School are on TONIGHT on VH1! Set your TiVos now!
