Bob Marley: One Love follows predictable biopic tropes, but Kingsley Ben-Adir's portrayal of Marley and Lashana Lynch's...
Alexis is joined by Bryon Graves, award-winning author of Rez Ball, to chat about book-to-screen adaptations. Find...
A timid professor becomes an overnight celebrity due to appearing in random people's dreams, but quickly faces...
Rock of Ages made a huge splash on Broadway and is already being adapted into a film...
Pee Wee Herman recently met up with Snoop Dogg and famous pimp Bishop Don Magic Juan to...
Trashwire friend Nancy Kivlen remembers Elizabeth Taylor in this blog submission… When most kids were going camping...
(New York, New York) – Heavyweight boxing legend and Brooklyn native Mike Tyson always has loved breeding...
Our friend Fatluggage is interviewing Kieran Culkin, Brandon Routh and Mary Elizabeth Winstead of Scott Pilgrim vs...
A special Cinco De Mayo message from Robert Rogriguez’s new film MACHETE In theaters Friday, September 3rd...