Tagged: Disney


Star Wars grows up with ‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’

If the main saga Star Wars movies are The Lord of the Rings, then Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is more like Game of Thrones. Instead of legendary heroes and Jedi magic, Rogue One is more grounded in reality with a small, rag-tag group of rebels who manage to do something extraordinary. Because of the shift away from the fantasy roots of the main trilogy and a stronger focus on action, Rogue One is a more grown-up tale from the galaxy far, far away.


‘The Jungle Book’ a respectful reboot with modern-day flare

For me, when it comes to Disney classics, there are old-school movies like Snow White or Pinocchio, and there are ’90s hits like Beauty and the Beast and Aladdin. Originally released in 1967, The Jungle Book falls into a sort of gray area between the two, so it seemed to most ripe for revival in the form of a CG-filled reboot. Thankfully, Jon Favreau’s take on The Jungle Book keeps all the spirit of a great Disney movie while letting the technology shine with superb CG.


Chris Coffel’s Top 10 of 2010

Note: I write this top 10 list without seeing many of the films from 2010 that I would’ve liked to see it. So if you’re wondering why films like The Fighter or Black Swan...