Tagged: Idris Elba


‘The Jungle Book’ a respectful reboot with modern-day flare

For me, when it comes to Disney classics, there are old-school movies like Snow White or Pinocchio, and there are ’90s hits like Beauty and the Beast and Aladdin. Originally released in 1967, The Jungle Book falls into a sort of gray area between the two, so it seemed to most ripe for revival in the form of a CG-filled reboot. Thankfully, Jon Favreau’s take on The Jungle Book keeps all the spirit of a great Disney movie while letting the technology shine with superb CG.


Hiddleston dominates ‘Thor: The Dark World’

Believe it or not, Chris Hemsworth’s outrageously chiseled bod wasn’t my favorite part of Thor: The Dark World. While our titular hero was gorgeous and entertaining, this second entry in the stand-alone Thor movies...


Scott stumbles with ‘Prometheus’

Ridley Scott’s Prometheus is billed as smart sci-fi, the unofficial prequel to his 1979 classic, Alien. With a slick trailer that mirrors the original Alien trailer, this film had fans of the franchise excited...