Netflix has introduced a new way of sorting films and saving preferences. The new model involves rating...
This film that is subtitled the “Self-Inflicted Comedy” showcases a large group of experienced and inexperienced talent....
Never go to a guy-date movie or eat dinner with another man, only lunch or after work...
Trashwire is giving away FREE screening passes for the new film Sunshine Cleaning, which opens March 20....
Last year’s SXSW was simply an amazing inspiring pilgrimage to the hippie Mecca on the south side...
On the heels of the post about board games becoming blockbusters, I want to acknowledge this absolute...
From Variety Universal has attached Gore Verbinski to develop “Clue,” a live-action murder mystery based on the...
I will be tweeting live from the AMC Best Picture Showcase tomorrow. The event includes all five...
It seems the entire internet has exploded with Golden Globe posts. Everywhere you turn, there are best-dressed...