Tagged: Seth Rogen

Funny (real) People 3

Funny (real) People

Funny People is not exactly a comedy. It’s not really a drama or romance either. It’s a little combination of all those things and that’s what makes it feel so real. In a far...

Kevin Smith reaches comedy climax with ‘Zack and Miri’ 1

Kevin Smith reaches comedy climax with ‘Zack and Miri’

Zack and Miri seems to follow the recipe for a great comedy. It takes one part View Askew cynical humor, one part Seth Rogen, a sprinkle of familiar faces from the Judd Apatow universe, and a little bit of romantic comedy sweetness, all garnished with a dash of full-frontal Jason Mewes, to make something that achieves what Clerks II only wished it could.


‘Pineapple Express’ a killer bud comedy

The great “Movie Stoner Duo Hall of Fame” includes Cheech and Chong, Jay and Silent Bob, Harold and Kumar, and now Dale and Saul, the main characters in the ridiculously funny Pineapple Expresss. The...