Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
When she’s not pulling a Mel Gibson and blaming the Jews (Sarah Silverman) for her shitty performance, Britney Spears makes up lots of other excuses for why she sucked so hard. First, it was that Silverman’s jokes were harsh and she was pissed about it, so she chose to do a really bad performance in…
Working with the Colorado Film Commission has its perks. We just got this in today. Any Trashwire readers in the Denver area should definitely check this out. NowhereLand Extras Wanted! Extras needed for movie shooting in Denver September 30- October 12!!! “NowhereLand”, a major motion picture starring Eddie Murphy, needs 1000+ paid extras. All types,…
Her performance had been hyped up for months before hand and was discussed practically nonstop on the VMA pre-show. With all the buzz that went into it, I was expecting her to do an elaborate 10 minute showcase, proving to everyone that she still had a career. Instead, I watched in horror as a chunky…
Several sources are reporting that Britney Spears is blaming Sarah Silverman for her horrible performance at the VMAs last night. One of my favorite sites, What Would Tyler Durden Do, had links to several articles that claim Spears was so upset about Sarah Silverman’s jokes that her children were mistakes that she decided to…
Britney’s lackluster “comeback” was just a microcosm of the entire show: boring, predictable, and that special brand of annoying that MTV has perfected over the years. Read more|Digg it
Most of you can just ignore this post, but for fangirls and MCRmy kids, this is big, breaking news. Gerard and Lyn-Z got married IN DENVER! on September 4th. Here’s proof: Imagine learning that something like this happened backstage at a concert you were at?! Wow! Now I’m really regretting the fact that I didn’t…
Tommy Wiseau, the “genius” behind The Room, is back with another project. This time, he stars as Charlie in The Neighbors, a sitcom which is described on the official website as, “a sitcom consisting of relationship between a group of neighbors who live in an apartment building.” The plot synopsis goes on to say this:…
South Park’s epic 10th season is coming out on DVD tomorrow, so I thought it was fitting that I run this article from the archives. Season 10 had so many great episodes, but I was particularly fond of “Cartoon Wars” for taking on the very network that airs the show…. oh, and for totally…
Well as a college student I don’t have that much time to finish most anime shows that have started watching. I still haven’t finished Death Note dammit. Due to youtube’s popularity and the ever increasing popular Dailymotion, more and more episodes are being pulled off due to contract violations. I completely think that it is…