Category: Pop Culture

  • We’re not gonna take it

    Hooray, it looks like many journalists have also decided they’ve had enough of Paris Hilton! Check out this clip:

  • Marty McFly is link?

    For those of us who don’t own a Wii due to it’s rarity in Texas or wherever strollers and PTA meetings are the majority of the population, we probably missed the big news on The Legend of Zelda Series. Well there will no longer be a link to the past but to the future? The…

  • Why I’m not talking about Paris Hilton

    A few of our readers have asked me why we’re not covering the entire Paris Hilton prison fiasco. We are trashwire and she is such an icon of trash in our culture, it seems crazy that we’ve barely mentioned it. The reason is simple. I can’t stand her and I refuse to participate in all…

  • Rollin Wit Saget


  • The Apple TV and Wii controversy

    After apparently kick-starting a war between gamers and Apple geeks on the comments for my article about the Wii, I decided to explain the actual intent of the article and to address the way I really feel about Apple. First, the “Nintendo Wii beats Apple TV” article was not about who came first in…

  • “Butt-naked ho!”

    At last! Someone found a video clip of the infamous “butt-naked ho” scene from I Love New York! Thanks to Ryan who posted a link in his comment on the original post about the “butt-naked ho” incident. Finally, we can bring you this: I Love New York: "Butt Naked Ho"Uploaded by callmecarl

  • The Springer Hustle

    Here is a recent quote from The Springer Hustle, a new VH1 show that goes behind the scenes of The Jerry Springer Show. I can’t even watch the show because it’s just too horridly awful, but here’s a quote. A Springer producer recently said this when booking guests for an episode: “They’re fat and they’re…

  • Tattoo

    Watch this: Then check this out: I just saw it in the Whitest Kids’ myspace pics.

  • Team Tiger Awesome interview on Trashwire now

    Brand new article on! Wil Interviews Team Tiger Awesome Team Tiger Awesome is an internet sensation. Wil sat down with Nick Mundy, a member of the sketch comedy troupe, about how they got their start and their growing popularity. Check it out now on TRASHWIRE.COM

  • Happy Mother’s Day
