Category: Thoughts & Opinions Blog

  • Same Girl

    I never thought R. Kelly could top “Trapped in the Closet” for the title of stupidest R&B song ever, but he’s really outdone himself this time. He and Usher have teamed up for “Same Girl”, a story that involves the two R&B horndogs talking about their girlfriends on the phone when they discover….. they’re dating…

  • ‘Hey Paula’ just keeps getting worse

    On tonight’s episode of Hey Paula, things went from bad to worse in a big way. Paula received the Woman of the Year award from the Nevada Ballet Theater. But first, she had to do some press. On the heels of her disastrous morning show satellite tour, she walked the red carpet and spoke to…

  • Big Brother 8

    Trashwire will be covering CBS’ Big Brother 8 all summer on our Big Brother 8 Blog, a special section of the site dedicated to the ultimate summer guilty pleasure. You can check out the new section at Here is a description of the new section: Years ago, CBS debuted a new reality series called…

  • Why I’m not talking about Paris Hilton

    A few of our readers have asked me why we’re not covering the entire Paris Hilton prison fiasco. We are trashwire and she is such an icon of trash in our culture, it seems crazy that we’ve barely mentioned it. The reason is simple. I can’t stand her and I refuse to participate in all…

  • The Apple TV and Wii controversy

    After apparently kick-starting a war between gamers and Apple geeks on the comments for my article about the Wii, I decided to explain the actual intent of the article and to address the way I really feel about Apple. First, the “Nintendo Wii beats Apple TV” article was not about who came first in…

  • Nintendo Wii beats Apple TV –

    Someone posted a link to my YourHub article on the Wii on Now there’s a huge debate between the Apple geeks and the Nintendo geeks in the comments. It’s pretty crazy. Check it out. Just click on Digg story below read more | digg story

  • Have you read Patton Oswalt’s blog?

    Patton Oswalt has one of the best blogs on MySpace. Between his blog and Timmy Williams’ blog, you’ll be endlessly entertained. Here is a recent excerpt from a recent blog post on Patton’s blog: While I was waiting for the SUV to take me back to my car, I got waylaid by one of the…

  • Nintendo Wii beats Apple TV

    New article up on Nintendo Wii Beats Apple TVYou might not think the Nintendo Wii and the Apple TV have much in common, but with the recent announcement that Apple TV will soon be able to play YouTube videos, the Wii beats Apple at it’s own game. Click here to read it

  • The Springer Hustle

    Here is a recent quote from The Springer Hustle, a new VH1 show that goes behind the scenes of The Jerry Springer Show. I can’t even watch the show because it’s just too horridly awful, but here’s a quote. A Springer producer recently said this when booking guests for an episode: “They’re fat and they’re…

  • Breathing New Life into TV Sketch Comedy

    Sketch comedy shows seem to be getting a television revival these days. Editor Alexis Gentry examines AcceptableTV, Human Giant, and The Whitest Kids U’ Know. Check out the article and view clips from the shows here on
